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Create a Manual Wallet
Elior Greenbaum avatar
Written by Elior Greenbaum
Updated over a year ago

The manual wallet is a versatile tool that empowers users to manage their digital assets efficiently and securely. This page outlines several key use cases of the manual wallet, and showcases its capabilities in handling a wide range of transactions and activities.

  • Create Undocumented OTC Transactions
    The manual wallet allows users to create undocumented over-the-counter (OTC) transactions. This feature is particularly useful for off-chain or peer-to-peer transactions that may not be supported by traditional exchange platforms. Users can record and track these transactions within the wallet for their personal records and accounting purposes.​

  • Create Reconciliation/Missing Transactions
    The manual wallet facilitates the creation of reconciliation or missing transactions for specific scenarios, including unsupported protocols and compounding assets.

- Unsupported Protocols
In situations where a particular protocol or blockchain network is not directly
supported by the wallet, users can manually create reconciliation transactions to
reflect their holdings accurately. This feature ensures that their overall portfolio
balance remains up to date and in sync with their actual assets.

- Compounding Assets
For assets that involve compounding, such as interest-bearing tokens or yield
farming strategies, the manual wallet enables users to create missing transactions
that account for the accrued interest or rewards. This ensures that their wallet
balance accurately reflects the total value of their holdings, including the
compounded assets.

  • Add "Virtual" Transactions for Lending/Staking Activities
    The manual wallet supports the addition of "virtual" transactions related to lending and staking activities. Users can manually record and track these transactions, allowing them to keep a comprehensive overview of their participation in lending platforms, staking networks, or other similar activities. This feature enhances transparency and provides a holistic view of the user's financial activities.

Add a manual wallet

  1. In the sidebar, click Accounts.

  2. At the top-right of the screen, click Add wallet.

  3. In the dialog that appears, click Manual Wallet.

4. Fill in the information in the dialog that appears:

5. Click Add wallet.

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